Jual Flow meter
Jual flow meter General High accuracy positive displacement flowmeter for wide range of fluids including water, petroleum, solvent. The mechanical counter allows checking of total flowrates in the field. Output furnished flowmeter is also available optionally. Features • High accuracy: ±0.5% RD (Option: ±0.2% RD) • Metering chamber is of a pocketless configuration and is …
Water Meter Air Limbah Ukuran 4 inch Merek IPM
Water Meter Air Limbah Flow meter air kotor Specifikasi Brand : IPM Ukuran/Size: 4 inch DN 100 Koneksi : flange Qn: 60 m3/h PN : 16 Bar iso : 4064 Temperatur : 50 derajat celsius Water Meter Air Limbah Apa Itu Flow Meter? Flow meter adalah sebuah alat yang memiliki fungsi untuk mengukur jumlah/ volume …
Flow meter Air Merek ITRON Ukuran 10″Inch Tipe WOLTEX
Flow meter Air Merek ITRON Ukuran 10″Inch Water meter air merek itron untuk air bersih ukuran 250mm Flow meter Air Merek ITRON Ukuran 10″Inch water meter itron spesifikasi -nominal diameter :10″(250) -starting flow rate:3 M3/H -accuracy: 2% from:5 M3/H -cyeble HF Pulse weight:100 L -Min scale interval :2 L -max admissilbe temperature: 50°C -head loss …
Flow meter Air Merek ITRON Ukuran 10″Inch Tipe WOLTEXRead More
water meter air panas sensus Type WP-QF PN40 Size 3 inch
water meter air panas sensus Type WP-QF PN40 Size 3 inch Application Measuring of cold water up to 40 °C (overloadable up to 50 °C) in water supply pipelines with pressure up to 25/40 bar Main characteristics For hot water up to 130 °CSealed register water proof (IP 67)Sealed register may be rotated through 360°Up …
water meter air panas sensus Type WP-QF PN40 Size 3 inchRead More
macnaught Spesifikasi F025 Material Of ConstructionMeter BodyRotorSeals Cast AluminiumPPSFluorocarbon (FKM) Design SpecificationsProcess Connections Threaded Flange1” G ANSI CLASS 1501” NPT JIS 10k Technical SpecificationsFlow Rate Operating TemperatureRange*Max.OperatingPressure**AccuracyRepeatability <5cP >5cP10-100L/min 6-120L/min2.6-26USG/min 1.6-32USG/min-40 – 80°C-40 – 176°f500 psi35 Bar+/- 1.0%+/-0.03% flow meter macnaught
Flowmeter FUEL-RITETYPE FU-CIOM-25SIZE 1 INCHrate 25L/mntrate 100L/mntAccuracy -+ 0.5%Repeatability < 0.003%Max.operating pressure 18barMax.iperating temperature 80 derajat C
Main feature:Cast iron oval gear flow meter has the ability to handle a wide range of fluid viscosities with exceptional level of repeatability and durability in the application of petroleum, chemical, food industry, etc. Advantages:– Compact size– Easy maintenance– Horizontal and vertical installation options– Low pressure drop
WATER METER WESTECHAUS 4 INCH FOR COLD WATER Situasi kerja Suhu Air 50 ° Tekanan Kerja 1 Mpa Spesialis untuk Apartmen Fitur spesial : Rentang pengukuran besar. akurasi aliran tinggi Karakteristik Curve Steve Kinerja sesuai standar ISO 4064 Desain meteran: Desain yang solid dan kuat, layanan yang panjang dijamin Sisipan universal yang dapat dipertukarkan Spesifikasi …
Water meter SHM 2 inch
Water meter shm buat aplikasi meteran limbah/kotor Features: ‐ Easy Installation and Maintenance ‐ Stainless Steel Cap, Dry Dial Magnetic ‐ High Bypass and Very Low Head Loss ‐ Glass Vacuum Sealed Register -Free from Condesation and clear for long term ‐ Working Temperature 0.10C – 500C for Cold and 0.10C – 900C for Hotwater …
Water meter sensus 2 inch
Water Meter Sensus adalah nama baru untuk salah satu solusi pengukuran air terkemuka di dunia penyedia dengan sejarah 150 tahun dan kehadiran di seluruh dunia. Karakter utama Main Characteristics Register yang tertutup rapat (IP 68). (Hermetically sealed register (IP 68) Rotor seimbang hidrodinamik yang telah dipatenkan (≤DN 300) …
Flow meter LC Flow meter (Liquid Contol) LC M-10-1 Model : M-10-1 Size : 2 inchi Capacity : 380L/Min ( 100 GPM ) Max.Pressure : 10.5Bar/150 PSI Spesifications : Accuracy …
Meteran air harga murah ada disini
meteran air Jual water meter glodok, harga water meter glodok, jua produk water meter, jual water meter amico, water meter indonesia, water meter jakarta, flow meter air, water meter medan, water meter surabaya, harga water meter indonesia, jual water meter berqualitas, distributor water meter, distributor flow meter, distributor water meter indonesia, water meter 1 inch, …
Peralatan Labolatorium
Laboratorium (disingkat lab) adalah tempat riset ilmiah, eksperimen, pengukuran ataupun pelatihan ilmiah dilakukan. Laboratorium biasanya dibuat untuk memungkinkan dilakukannya kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut secara terkendali. Laboratorium ilmiah biasanya dibedakan menurut disiplin ilmunya, misalnya laboratorium biologi, laboratorium fisika, laboratorium kimia, laboratorium biokimia, laboratorium komputer, dan laboratorium bahasa. CV Bunga toba Jual berbagai alat laboratorium untuk informasi lebih lanjut …